具有正常的 UINavigationController
堆栈并按下了 UIViewController
Having normal UINavigationController
stack with some UIViewController
pushed, I cannot use (screen edge) swiping gesture to go back to root view controller. No custom navBar, no custom back button.
与使用此后退"滑动手势相关的任何更改吗?我知道将模态显示为卡片并将其解散有很多新内容.但是我在使用标准 pushViewController:animated:
Is anything changed related to using this 'back' swipe gesture? I know that there is a lot new about presenting modals as cards and their dismissal. But I am having troubles with standard pushViewController:animated:
Building the same project against iOS12 works perfectly fine.
由于 iOS13
,您必须将模拟器与挡板一起使用.因此,打开 Window> Show device bezel (打开窗口>显示设备挡板)可以使您在模拟器中向后滑动.哦,亲爱的.
Since iOS13
you have to use simulator with bezels. So turning on Window > Show device bezels provide you with swipe back in simulator. Oh dear.