<p:socket channel="/allposts/#{uview.user.uid}">
<p:ajax event="message" async="true" listener="#{uview.go}" update="xout"/>
#1. uview是指视图作用域的bean.除侦听器方法外,其他所有功能(包括更新)均有效.侦听器方法永远不会被调用.即使我将侦听器的值更改为不存在的方法,也不会报告任何错误.知道为什么它不起作用吗?
#1. uview refers to a view scoped bean. Everything ,including update, works except listener method. Listener method is never invoked. Even if I change the value of listener to a method which is not existing, it isn't reporting any error. Any idea why it isn't working?
Another thing I noticed in the following code snippet[involving dynamic id]:
<p:socket channel="/allposts/#{uview.user.uid}">
<p:ajax event="message" async="true" listener="#{uview.go}" update="#{uview.user.uid}"/>
在这里,它报告错误,指出找不到指定ID的ID [显示错误消息中的ID].即使存在具有该ID的元素,也无法找到该元素.这当然不是命名容器参考问题.
Here, it reports error stating that it can't find the id with the specified id[ shows the id in error message]. Even if there's a element with that id, it can't find that. It's certainly not naming container reference problem.
之所以会这样,是因为即使在JSF& ;;呈现page [dynamic part]之前,Primeface套接字也已初始化.这就是为什么它找不到动态ID的原因?
Is it happening because Primeface sockets are initialized even before page[dynamic part] is rendered by JSF & that's why it can't find the dynamic id???
#2. As I've understood from Pimeface Demo page, updating an element with dynamic id is required to implement a chat application in JSF. Am I going wrong here in implementing primeface socket? Are there other ways to implement it more elegantly?
It is a bug. I found the following workaround: the code like this
<p:socket channel="/channel">
<p:ajax event="message"
update=":form:table" />
<p:socket onMessage="handleMessage" channel="/channel" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleMessage(data) {
<p:remoteCommand name="updateWidgets"
update=":form:table" />