Hey Everyone,I like using SQL, and I think I am pretty good with it.
And I tried to use Linq (with c# and Linq2Sql, looks like it feels more SQL-like with VB.Net), I feel it is very frustrating,you cannot just run your query without compiling and executing the code. I am not so great with IQueryable, IEnumarable, IList etc. And I have my doubts about why would you use Linq when you are a pro SQL user.
不过,我需要某种形式的O / RM,所以我可以写我的测试codeS,我喜欢使用波苏斯,而不是数据集。
But I need some kind of O/RM so I can write my test codes, and I like using POCOs rather than datasets.
因此,考虑每个人都在我的团队也一定程度上的SQL专家(主要是MS SQL,因此T-SQL)的,享受数据库编程,其中O / RM,你会recommmend。 (商业或开源没有关系,良好的支持,教程和文档是必须的)
So considering everyone in my team is also some degree of SQL Expert (mostly MS SQL and hence T-SQL), and enjoying database programming, which O/RM you would recommmend. (Commercial or OpenSource does not matter, good support, tutorials and documentation is a must)
我们的开发环境是C#,ASP.Net MVC随着ExtJS的。
Our Development Environment will be C#, ASP.Net MVC along with ExtJS.
我们有一点点超过1000桌在我们的应用程序,我们要迁移。你不会相信它是多么code生成的ADO.Net Entity Framework的。我试了一下城堡的ActiveRecord还,(我不知道(N)Hibernate的任何事情,没有足够的ActiveRecord的文档,让我去)
We have a little more than 1000 tables on our application that we are going to migrate. You would not believe how much code is generated on it by ADO.Net Entity Framework. I tried a bit Castle ActiveRecord also, (I dont know anything about (N)Hibernate and there was not enough ActiveRecord documentation to keep me going)
最好的ORM支持LINQ的,这样就不会真正成为一个问题,无论哪种方式。 LinqPad一定会帮助你学习曲线。 LINQ的有显著的优势,所以你真的应该尝试离开你的T-SQL的舒适区,并接受它。
The best ORMs support Linq, so that won't really be an issue either way. LinqPad will definitely help you up the learning curve. Linq has significant advantages, so you really should try to leave your T-SQL comfort zone and embrace it.
With 1000 tables, I would definitely stay away from LinqToSql and EntityFramework, they just don't scale effectively. You are also going to want something with decent code generation if possible.
There are code generation options for NHibernate, but they are generally either lacking or commercial from what I've seen. There may be some great free product out there and I just haven't found it yet. I don't know if Castle ActiveRecord is exactly what you want, but it's definitely one way to get started and you can always transition to other patterns on top of NHibernate later.
I don't know that SubSonic has enough features to support the large applications written on top of a 1000 table database, but it is likely a good fit otherwise.
LLBLGEN Pro是一个商业产品,我认为最符合您的需求。
LLBLGen Pro is a commercial product that I think most closely meets your needs.
已经有很多其他的讨论SO和其他地方如何选择.NET ORM:
There has been a lot of other discussion on SO and elsewhere about choosing a .NET ORM:
这篇关于O / RM的选择(LINQ的不依赖)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!