我建立使用HTML5为黑莓OS 6.0的企业应用程序。我打算使用PhoneGap的开发应用。我发现,黑莓手机也有类似的东西叫。
I am building an enterprise application using HTML5 for Blackberry OS 6.0. I am planning on using PhoneGap for developing the application. I found out that Blackberry also has something similar called WebWorks.
What are the differences between WebWorks and PhoneGap?
使用BlackBerry的Widget SDK来支持BlackBerry OS 5.0和放大器; 6.0。 WebWorks的基本的Widget SDK 2.0,它的目的是支持OS 6.0的特定功能。
PhoneGap-BlackBerry-Widget uses the BlackBerry Widget SDK to support BlackBerry OS 5.0 & 6.0. WebWorks is basically Widget SDK 2.0 and it is intended to support OS 6.0 specific features.
在使用的WebWorks PhoneGap的黑莓-widget的好处是,你可以移植应用程序到通过PhoneGap的支持其他平台。
The advantage of using PhoneGap-BlackBerry-Widget over WebWorks is that you can port your application to other platforms that are supported by PhoneGap.
You can still port an application that was written using WebWorks/Widget SDK, but you will need to switch out the BlackBerry-specific JavaScript bindings for the PhoneGap JavaScript bindings (e.g. invoking Geolocation, contacts, or accelerometer).