- 考虑目标公司规模。鉴于Two companies that make money spring to mind:1. sleepycat software (they support Berkeley DB); and2. the MySQL folks (they support, um, MySQL) They have different licenses, MySQL being dual licensed:GPL and proprietary, while sleepycat is custom andOSI-compatible. My understanding is that they both make good money. -- I think you''re right on target that accounting systemsneed customization... and you''ll make money customizingit. Your only problem would then be marketing yourproduct/service. Business people seldom read freshmeat,I fear. -- Don''t worry about people reneging on support contracts.Companies get large enough, investors/directors willblow a fuse if they find out that the accounting systemis unsupported: if you target the right companies thesupport checks will flow uninterrupted. If you''re stillworried about ''em, offer a pay-per-incident, like MS. -- If your product is good enough, *I* may be one of thoseconsultants that uses your software, gets the supportlicense, and uses it to support all my clients. This isa *good* thing. For one thing, any enhancements I addget folded into your product, so you and all yourcustomers benefit. For another, I won''t be claiming Iwrote the thing: support by the original author of aproduct is still important. -- Consider the target company size. Given the 50 - 这篇关于开源的商业模式 - 需要建议的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-20 01:14