本文介绍了ios - 动态创建并显示unicode字符串的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 UILabel ,我想在其中显示一个Unicode字符。以下工作:

I have a UILabel in which I want to display a Unicode character. The following works:

label.text = @"\U000025A0";


Now I want to dynamically generate the Unicode character from a decimal number as follows:

label.text = NSString stringWithFormat:@"\U%08x",9632];


Xcode compiler fails with the following error:

\U used with no following hex digits

是有一种方法可以将十进制数9632转换为Unicode,然后将其显示在 UILabel

Is there a way to convert the decimal number 9632 to Unicode and then display it in a UILabel?


我有同样的问题来显示entypo字体的特殊字符,所以我实现了我自己的 EntypoStringCreator 类(有一些SO的帮助)。这里是用于将unicode数字转换为nsstring的方法:

I had a same issue to display entypo Font special character, so I implemented my own EntypoStringCreator class (with some help from SO). Here are the method used to convert a unicode number to a nsstring:


@interface EntypoStringCreator : NSObject

+(NSString *)stringForIcon:(UTF32Char)char32;



@implementation EntypoStringCreator

+(NSString *)stringForIcon:(UTF32Char)char32
    if ((char32 & 0xFFFF0000) != 0)
        return [self stringFromUTF32Char:char32];
        return [self stringFromUTF16Char:(UTF16Char)(char32&0xFFFF)];

+(NSString *)stringFromUTF32Char:(UTF32Char)char32
    char32 -= 0x10000;
    unichar highSurrogate = (unichar)(char32 >> 10); // leave the top 10 bits
    highSurrogate += 0xD800;
    unichar lowSurrogate = char32 & 0x3FF; // leave the low 10 bits
    lowSurrogate += 0xDC00;
    return [NSString stringWithCharacters:(unichar[]){highSurrogate, lowSurrogate} length:2];

+(NSString *)stringFromUTF16Char:(UTF16Char)char16
    return [NSString stringWithCharacters:(unichar[]){char16} length:1];


这篇关于ios - 动态创建并显示unicode字符串的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-26 23:04