I understand why you would want to use a read-only property using the following syntax:
private int _MyInt;
public int MyInt
get { return _MyInt; }
This example probably isn't the best one because I think that read-only properties really shine in conjunction with a readonly
variable, but that's beside the point. What I don't understand is why use a write-only property using the following syntax:
private int _MyInt;
public int MyInt
set { _MyInt = value; }
这是只读属性如何在各种书籍和教程介绍。如果设置了变量,您应在概念上读它的部分的一点,至少在内部类,而是由accesssing阅读它甚至在内部类中,你会做这样 _MyInt
This is how read-only properties are described in various books and tutorials. If you set the variable, you would conceptually read it at some point, at least internally to the class, but to read it even internally within the class you would do so by accesssing _MyInt
which I feel violates the spirit of encapsulation which properties try to enforce. Instead, why wouldn't you just use the full power of the property with different access modifies for accessing it as such:
private int _MyInt;
public int MyInt
set { _MyInt = value; }
private get { return _MyInt; }
public int MyInt { set; private get; }
You still get the encapsulation, but restrict other classes from access, so its still write-only to outside classes.
Unless there is a case where you honestly would want to assign to a variable but never actually access it, in which case I would definitely be curious about when this need would arise.
I have never come across a valid use-case for a write-only property. Honestly, if there is a valid use-case for a write-only property I think it is safe to say that the solution is poorly designed.
If you need "write-only" semantics you should use a method. For instance, another user has found an example of a user object that uses a write-only property to set a password. This is a bad design:
class User
public string Password
set { /* password encryption here */ }
Ugh. This is much better:
class User
public void SetPassword(string password)
/* password encryption here */
See, a read/write property is a set of methods that are designed to masquerade as a field. They look and feel like a field. It is for this reason that a read-only property makes sense because we are used to having fields and variables that we can read but cannot change. However there isn't a corresponding field or variable construct that is writable but not readable.
This is why I believe that creating an API that employs write-only properties is bad practice. It runs counter-intuitive to what I believe is the main goal of the property syntax in C#.
类为例 - 这个类将举行,涉及到系统的用户的信息的所有作品。我们收集所有这些数据段,给他们一个名称:用户的。这样,我们使用类来创建的抽象的。 用户
More philosophy... I believe that classes serve a functional purpose: they provide a container for related data to be held and manipulated. Take our User
class for example - this class will hold all pieces of information that pertain to a user in the system. We collect all these pieces of data and give them a single name: user. In this way we use classes to create abstractions. User
is an abstraction that allows us to reason about all the individual pieces of data that comprise a user (password, name, birthday, etc.).
Now there are good abstractions and there are bad abstractions. I believe that write-only properties are bad abstractions because you are allowing someone to input data and not read it. Why would you disallow this? Most likely because the information that has been passed in has been transformed in some way that makes it unreadable to the passer.
So this means that a write-only property by definition must create side-effects that the caller cannot see (because if they could see them then there would be no reason to make the property write-only). The best construct in the C# language for setting a value with side-effects is the method.
I would highly recommend not using write-only properties because consumers of your API will find them confusing and frustrating. Even if you find a valid use-case for this syntax it doesn't justify its use.
编辑:下面是.Net框架 - >
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Here is official recommendation from .Net Framework Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries ->Member Design Guidelines ->Property Design
If the property getter cannot be provided, use a method to implement the functionality instead. The method name should begin with Set followed by what would have been the property name...