是否可以从另一个应用程序中检测触摸事件,特别是滑动?我希望能够检测到用户是否向左或向右滑动(即使使用 2 个手指 - 但不是必需的).也许有我可以收听的服务或广播.
Is it possible to detect touch events from within another application, specifically swipes? I'd like to be able to detect if the user has swiped left or right (even with 2 fingers - but not required). Perhaps there is a service or broadcast I can listen to.
或者失败了,是否有一些 API 可能我可以每秒轮询 10 次来获取触摸状态,然后我可以计算其余部分(为什么,我记得编写了一个鼠标驱动程序,在 8086 中用 IN OUTs 选通 COM1 端口在 XT 上用 TSR 编码的汇编程序......)!
or failing that, is there some API perhaps that I can poll say 10 times a second to get the touch state and I can compute the rest (why, I remember writing a mouse driver strobing the COM1 port with IN OUTs in 8086 assembler coded in a TSR on a XT...)!
Anyway, any help appreciated. (I think it could be done by hijacking the primary Launcher and having a transparent click-through on-top activity, but that's seriously fraud with danger!)
或者失败了,是否有一些 API 可能我可以每秒轮询 10 次以获得触摸状态,然后我可以计算其余的
You are welcome to write your own home screen application, in which case you can track your own touch events on your own home screen. You are welcome to write an ordinary application and track your own touch events on your own activities.