我使用它使用的.Net 3.5框架的Web应用程序。它使用谷歌日历API V1。
I am using a Web application which uses .Net 3.5 framework. It uses the Google calendar API V1.
当在谷歌论坛上搜索发现,谷歌日历API V1和放大器; V2是德precated并应使用V3。
When searched in google forums it was found that the Google calendar API V1 & V2 are deprecated and should use V3.
Google Calendar API V3 platform support is .NET Framework 4 and 4.5
So should our application be upgraded to .NET framework 4 or 4.5 ?
或者是没有使用谷歌日历API在.net 3.5框架的任何解决办法吗?
Or is there is any solution for using google calendar API in .Net 3.5 framework ?
Anwser /评论:这是不正确的谷歌日历API V3是一个REST API,并支持任何编程语言,可以做一个HTTP邮寄或HTTP GET。当前版本的谷歌.NET客户端库如何以往任何时候都仅支持.Net框架4和4.5。
Question: Google Calendar API V3 platform support is .NET Framework 4 and 4.5
Anwser / comment : This is incorrect the Google Calendar API V3 is a rest API and supports any programing language that can do a HTTP Post or HTTP Get. The Current version of the Google .Net Client library how ever only supports .Net Framework 4 and 4.5.
- 安装,包装Google.Apis.Calendar.v3 在GitHub上
- 客户端库
- Install-Package Google.Apis.Calendar.v3
- Client library on GitHub
Question: So should our application be upgraded to .NET framework 4 or 4.5 ?
Anwser : Yes if you want to use Googles client library, which I recommend. You should upgrade to .net Framework 4 or 4.5. I would go with 4.5 if you can.
问:有没有对使用谷歌日历API在.NET 3.5中的任何解决方案。 框架?
Anwser:是可以code整个事情自己就像我说的只是HTTP帖子和HTTP获取。这样做的最难的部分将是身份验证,但你应该能够抓取一些来自客户端库code。我有一对夫妇的老教程我发回来的时候我在做这与谷歌Analytics API。我们的想法是一样的。
Question: Is there is any solution for using google calendar API in .Net 3.5. framework ?
Anwser: Yes you can code the whole thing yourself like I said its just HTTP Posts and HTTP Gets. The hardest part of this will be the authentication, but you should be able to rip some of the code from the client library. I have a couple of old tutorials I made back when I was doing this with the Google Analytics API. The idea is the same.
- 在如何做到这一点旧教程尚未在年龄遗憾更新。 谷歌API和Oauth2
- 谷歌Oauth2流
- Old tutorial on how to do it hasn't been updated in ages sorry. Google APIs and Oauth2
- Google Oauth2 flow
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