I got this error message when I try to create a post to user's wall by calling this rest service. Can somebody help me?
Share API仅适用于GSuite帐户.它不适用于简单帐户@gmail.com
.您应该创建GSuite帐户,并将其用于Create Post API方法.这篇文章仅适用于域用户.您可以查看此页面,您将找到解决问题的方法. https://developers.google.com/+/domains/getting-started# features_comparison
Share API available only for GSuite accounts. It is not available for simple accounts @gmail.com
.You should create GSuite account and use it for Create Post API method.This post will be available only for domain users.You can look at this page and you will found the solution for your issue.https://developers.google.com/+/domains/getting-started#features_comparison
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