我有一个使用Spring Boot生成可执行的JAR的项目,该JAR公开了带有Spring Data REST的REST API.它还与Spring Security OAuth集成在一起.很好我的问题如下,
I have a project that uses Spring Boot to generate an executable JAR that exposes a REST API with Spring Data REST. It is also integrated with Spring Security OAuth. That works fine. My problem is the following,
我想为REST API提供不同的模块,仅当具有JPA存储库的对应JAR位于类路径(已定义为依赖项)中时,才启用它.
I want to have different modules for the REST API that I want to enable only if the correspondent JAR with the JPA repositories is in the classpath (it has been defined as a dependency).
The thing is I want them to be independent from each other. I want to be able to serve them under different dispatcher servlets with different mappings so I can specify different baseUri for each one and have different root URLs for the resources discovery.
I´m gonna try to make it more clear:
Module A of API:
- 一个JAR,其中包含资源X和Y的XRespository和YRespository.
- 调度程序servlet A.
- Servlet映射:/api/moduleA/
- Spring Data REST的基本URI:/api/moduleA/
- 如果我检查URL/api/moduleA/,我应该发现资源X和Y.
- 一个JAR,其中包含资源P和Q的PR存储库和QR存储库.
- 调度程序servlet B.
- Servlet映射:/api/moduleB/
- Spring Data REST的基本URI:/api/moduleB/
- 如果我检查URL/api/moduleB/,我应该发现资源P和Q.
Apart from that I can have another dispatcher servlet where I hold /oauth/* endpoints along with other custom controllers, and the security configuration has to work properly for all (/*)
I know I can define more dispatcher servlets through ServletRegistrationBean but I don´t know how to attach to each one different spring data rest configurations.
I´ve also been trying to do this with hierarchical application contexts with SpringApplicationBuilder by having in each child context the configuration that defines each dispatcher servlet, each RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration and having each @EnableJpaRepositories annotation defining different packages to scan. Anyway I can´t not even load the context as they are not created as WebApplicationContext thus failing because there is no ServletContext available.
Any help/suggestion? Thanks in advance.
I found the solution a while ago but I forgot to share it here, so thanks Jan for reminding me that.
我通过在具有不同配置的新Web应用程序上下文( RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration )和一个公共父对象(即Spring Boot应用程序的根应用程序上下文)中创建和注册了多个调度程序servlet来解决了该问题.为了根据类路径中包含的不同jar自动启用API模块,我模拟了Spring Boot或多或少的功能.
I solved it by creating and registering several dispatchers servlets with new web application contexts with different configurations (RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration) and a common parent which is the root application context of the Spring Boot application. To enable the API modules automatically depending on the different jars included on the classpath I emulated what Spring Boot does more or less.
The project is divided in several gradle modules. Something like this:
- 项目服务器
- project-api-autoconfigure
- project-module-a-api
- project-module-b-api
- ...
- project-module-n-api
模块 project-server 是主要模块.它声明了对 project-api-autoconfigure 的依赖,同时还排除了 project-api-autoconfigure 对 project-module-的传递依赖. -api模块.
The module project-server is the main one. It declares a dependency on project-api-autoconfigure, and at the same time it excludes the transitive dependencies of project-api-autoconfigure on project-module-?-api module(s).
在 project-server.gradle 内部:
dependencies {
compile (project(':project-api-autoconfigure')) {
exclude module: 'project-module-a-api'
exclude module: 'project-module-b-api'
project-api-autoconfigure 依赖于所有API模块,因此依赖项在 project-api-autoconfigure.gradle 上看起来像这样:
project-api-autoconfigure depends on all the API modules, so the dependencies will look like this on project-api-autoconfigure.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(':project-module-a-api')
compile project(':project-module-b-api')
project-api-autoconfigure 中,我为每个API模块创建具有各自Web应用程序上下文的调度程序Servlet Bean,但是此配置取决于内部存在的每个API模块的配置类每个API模块jar.
project-api-autoconfigure is where I create the dispatcher servlet beans with their own web application context for every API module, but this configurations are conditional on the configuration classes of every API module which live inside each API module jar.
I created and abstract class from which every autoconfiguration class inherit:
public abstract class AbstractApiModuleAutoConfiguration<T> {
protected ApplicationContext applicationContext;
protected ServerProperties server;
@Autowired(required = false)
protected MultipartConfigElement multipartConfig;
protected String baseApiPath;
protected DispatcherServlet createApiModuleDispatcherServlet() {
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext webContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
return new DispatcherServlet(webContext);
protected ServletRegistrationBean createApiModuleDispatcherServletRegistration(DispatcherServlet apiModuleDispatcherServlet) {
ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean(
this.server.getServletMapping() + baseApiPath + "/" + getApiModulePath() + "/*");
if (this.multipartConfig != null) {
return registration;
protected abstract String getApiModuleDispatcherServletBeanName();
protected abstract String getApiModulePath();
protected abstract Class<T> getApiModuleConfigurationClass();
So now, the autoconfiguration class for module A will look something like this:
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "project.moduleA.", value = "enabled")
public class ApiModuleAAutoConfiguration extends AbstractApiModuleAutoConfiguration<ApiModuleAConfiguration> {
public static final String API_MODULE_A_DISPATCHER_SERVLET_BEAN_NAME = "apiModuleADispatcherServlet";
public static final String API_MODULE_A_DISPATCHER_SERVLET_REGISTRATION_BEAN_NAME = "apiModuleADispatcherServletRegistration";
private String apiModuleAPath;
public DispatcherServlet apiModuleADispatcherServlet() {
return createApiModuleDispatcherServlet();
public ServletRegistrationBean apiModuleADispatcherServletRegistration() {
return createApiModuleDispatcherServletRegistration(apiModuleADispatcherServlet());
protected String getApiModuleDispatcherServletBeanName() {
protected String getApiModulePath() {
return apiModuleAPath;
protected Class<ApiModuleAConfiguration> getApiModuleConfigurationClass() {
return ApiModuleAConfiguration.class;
现在,您的 ApiModuleAConfiguration , ApiModuleBConfiguration ...配置类将位于每个api模块 project-module-a-api 上, project-module-b-api ...
And now, your ApiModuleAConfiguration, ApiModuleBConfiguration... configuration classes will be on each api module project-module-a-api, project-module-b-api...
它们可以是 RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration 或可以从其扩展,也可以是导入Spring Data REST配置的任何其他配置类.
They can be RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration or they can extend from it or they can be any other configuration class that imports the Spring Data REST configuration.
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我基于要传递给gradle的属性来模拟Maven配置文件的主模块 project-server 中创建了不同的gradle脚本,以供加载.每个脚本都将需要包含的api模块声明为依赖项.看起来像这样:
And last but not least, I created different gradle scripts inside the main module project-server to be loaded based on a property passed to gradle to emulate Maven profiles. Each script declares as dependencies the api modules that need to be included. It looks something like this:
- project-server
,例如, profile-X 启用API模块A和B:
and for example, profile-X enables API modules A and B:
dependencies {
compile project(':project-module-a-api')
compile project(':project-module-b-api')
processResources {
from 'src/main/resources/profiles/profile-X'
include 'profile-x.properties'
into 'build/resources/main'
Other profiles could enable different API modules.
个人资料是通过 project-server.gradle 加载的:
Profiles are loaded this way from the project-server.gradle:
processResources {
include '**/*'
exclude 'profiles'
dependencies {
compile (project(':project-api-autoconfigure')) {
exclude module: 'project-module-a-api'
exclude module: 'project-module-b-api'
def loadProfile() {
def profile = hasProperty('profile') ? "${profile}" : "dev"
println "Profile: " + profile
apply from: "profiles/" + profile + ".gradle"
And that's all more or less. I hope it helps you Jan.
这篇关于Spring Boot(JAR)具有多个分派器servlet,用于带有Spring Data REST的不同REST API的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!