本文介绍了std :: valarray的未来是什么样子?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


直到最近我还没有跟上C ++ 11的审议。当我尝试更熟悉它和正在处理的问题时,我遇到了,因为大多数人都在使用,似乎主张废弃或删除std :: valarray。代替。我想我可能是少数人中仍然使用std :: valarray(是的,我知道这个类有一个肮脏的过去,一个玷污的礼物,和一个可疑的未来之一)。

Up until fairly recently I hadn't been keeping up with the C++11 deliberations. As I try to become more familiar with it and the issues being worked, I came across this site which seems to be advocating for deprecating or removing std::valarray since most people are using Blitz++ instead. I guess I'm probably one of the few people out there who still uses std::valarray (and yes I know the class has a sordid past, a tarnished present, and a questionable future). But, it does what I need, and perhaps more important, it's part of the standard (for now any way).

除了上面的一个网站之外,我还有一个网站,能够在新标准中找到很少关于std :: valarray实际发生的事情,并希望SO上的某人能够提供一些洞察和/或引用,其中,,甚至是到目前为止失败了我。感谢。

Aside from the one site above, I've been able to find very little on what is actually happening with std::valarray in the new standard, and was hoping that somebody on SO might be able to provide some insight and / or references where Google, Wikipedia and even the C++ Standards Committee Web Site have so far failed me. Thanks.


std :: valarray 11。它没有被弃用或删除。已更新为包含移动操作

std::valarray is included in C++11. It has not been deprecated or removed. It has been updated to include move operations

std :: valarray 在§26.6[numarray] C ++ 11语言标准。

std::valarray is defined in §26.6[numarray] of the C++11 language standard.

这篇关于std :: valarray的未来是什么样子?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 12:56