本文介绍了这是一个曾经pressionTrees错误? #2的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Looks like ExpressionTrees compiler should be near with the C# spec in many behaviors, but unlike C# there is no support for conversion from decimal to any enum-type:

using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

class Program
  static void Main()
    Func<decimal, ConsoleColor> converter1 = x => (ConsoleColor) x;
    ConsoleColor c1 = converter1(7m); // fine

    Expression<Func<decimal, ConsoleColor>> expr = x => (ConsoleColor) x;

    // System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
    // No coercion operator is defined between types
    // 'System.Decimal' and 'System.ConsoleColor'.

    Func<decimal, ConsoleColor> converter2 = expr.Compile();

    ConsoleColor c2 = converter2(7m);

其他很少使用C#显式转换,如双 - &GT;枚举类型的存在和工作在C#规范的解释,而不是十进制 - &GT;枚举类型。这是一个错误?

Other rarely used C# explicit conversions, like double -> enum-type exists and works as explained in C# specification, but not decimal -> enum-type. Is this a bug?



It is probably a bug, and it is probably my fault. Sorry about that.

获取十进制转换权是建立在EX pression树code编译器和运行时,因为正确的最困难的部分之一的十进制转换实际上是实现为用户自定义在运行时转换的,但由编译器处理为内置转换的。十进制是唯一的类型与此属性,因此也有各种特殊用途的齿轮在分析这些案件。其实,还有一个在分析处理可空枚举可空十进制转换的特殊情况下,所谓的IsEnumToDecimalConversion方法;一个相当复杂的特殊情况。

Getting decimal conversions right was one of the hardest parts of building the expression tree code correct in the compiler and the runtime because decimal conversions are actually implemented as user-defined conversions in the runtime, but treated as built-in conversions by the compiler. Decimal is the only type with this property, and therefore there are all kinds of special-purpose gear in the analyzer for these cases. In fact, there is a method called IsEnumToDecimalConversion in the analyzer to handle the special case of nullable enum to nullable decimal conversion; quite a complex special case.


Odds are good that I failed to consider some case going the other way, and generated bad code as a result. Thanks for the note; I'll send this off to the test team, and we'll see if we can get a repro going. Odds are good that if this does turn out to be a bona fide bug, this will not be fixed for C# 4 initial release; at this point we are taking only "user is electrocuted by the compiler" bugs so that the release is stable.

这篇关于这是一个曾经pressionTrees错误? #2的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 01:54