

我有几个使用 count 字段的案例类。默认情况下它是1,并且我在代码中减少了对重复数据进行分组并对其进行求和的总和,以查找每个对象的数量。例如:

I have several case classes with a count field. It's 1 by default, and I have a reduce in my code that groups duplicates and sums that value to find the number of each object. E.g.:

case class Person(name: String, count = 1)
personList.groupBy(_.name).reduce((x,y) => x.copy(count = x.count + 1))


I have this logic in several case classes, and since my logic is a bit more complicated than the example above I want to create a generic merging function.

我使用 count 字段创建了一个密封特质。然后我改变了我的case类以扩展它,例如:

So I've created a sealed trait with a count field. I've then changed my case classes to extend from this, e.g.:

case class Person(name: String, override val count) extends Countable


然而,我无法弄清楚如何声明我的 merge 函数,以便它只接受扩展 Countable 。因此,它无法找到 copy 方法。

However, I can't work out how to declare my merge function so that it only accepts case classes that extend Countable. Because of that, it can't find the copy method.


Here's what I have:

  def merge[T <: Countable](f: T => Seq[String])(ms: Seq[T]): Vector[T] =
    ms.groupBy(x => f(x).mkString("_")).mapValues(_.reduce { (x,y) =>
     x.copy(count = x.count + 1)        // can't find `copy`

是否有一个类型类型可以包含它,意味着类型有一个 copy 方法(或者是一个case类)使用Scala 2.11.7?

Is there a typeclass that I can also include that means a type has a copy method (or is a case class) using Scala 2.11.7?


Countable 特质是:

Countable trait is:

sealed trait Countable {

  def timesSeen: Long = 1



How did you defined you Countable trait.Following snippet works fine for me:

  trait Countable[Z] {
    def count: Int
    def copy: Z

  case class Person(name: String, override val count: Int) extends Countable[Person] {
    override def copy: Person = this

  def merge[T <: Countable[T]](f: T => Seq[String])(ms: Seq[T]): Vector[T] = {
    val r = ms.groupBy(x => f(x).mkString("_")).mapValues(_.reduce { (x, y) =>


05-27 18:04