


 模板< typename T& 
class Container
class Iterator
friend bool operator ==(const Iterator& x,const Iterator& y);


'bool operator ==(const Container< T> :: Iterator&
const Container< T> :: Iterator& '

friend bool operator ==(const Iterator& x,const Iterator& y)

,并在函数名后添加<> )




这是一个事实,这实际上是不可能定义运算符== out-of-class。 / p>

也就是说, friend 声明与非模板 / code>函数 - 例如 Container< Int> :: Iterator 作为朋友的函数

  bool operator ==(const Container< Int> :: Iterator& const Container< Int> :: Iterator& 

此函数不是模板,因此几乎没有办法为类模板定义之外的所有可能的容器定义 operator ==


 模板< class T& 
bool operator ==(const Container< T> :: Iterator& const Container< T> :: Iterator&);

这是一个函数模板,不匹配好友声明。 (在这种情况下,它更糟糕,因为你不能实际使用这个运算符,因为 T 是在一个非推导的上下文。)

警告消息建议一个可能的修复 - 首先声明一个函数模板,然后结束它的特殊化。 (您需要将类中的 Iterator 拖到自己单独的类模板中,以便可以推导出 T 。)另一个可能的修正是在类模板定义中定义函数。

When I do the following:

template <typename T>
class Container
    class Iterator
        friend bool operator==(const Iterator& x, const Iterator& y);

gcc gives me the following warning and suggestion:

warning: friend declaration
'bool operator==(const Container<T>::Iterator&,
                 const Container<T>::Iterator&)'
declares a non-template function [-Wnon-template-friend]

friend bool operator==(const Iterator& x, const Iterator& y);

(if this is not what you intended,
 make sure the function template has already been declared
 and add <> after the function name here)

I am fairly sure that this is a new warning, since I have always done it like this and never had any problems.

Can someone please explain why is this a warning, and what it warns about?


It's warning about the fact that it is going to be virtually impossible to define that operator== out-of-class.

That is to say, that friend declaration befriends a non-template operator== function - for example, Container<Int>::Iterator has as a friend the function

bool operator==(const Container<Int>::Iterator&, const Container<Int>::Iterator&);

This function is not a template, so there's pretty much no way to define operator== for all possible Containers outside the class template definition.

If you try to do

template<class T>
bool operator==(const Container<T>::Iterator&, const Container<T>::Iterator&);

That's a function template, and doesn't match the friend declaration. (In this case it's even worse, as you can't actually use this operator because T is in a non-deduced context.)

The warning message suggests one possible fix - first declaring a function template and then befriending a specialization of it. (You'll need to pull Iterator out of the class into its own separate class template so that T can be deduced.) The other possible fix is to just define the function inside the class template definition.


05-27 15:14