I have a program (C#) that generates a list of strings (permutations of an original string). Most of the strings are random grouping of the original letters as expected (ie etam,aemt, team). I wanna find the one string in the list that is an actual English word, programatically. I need a thesaurus/dictionary to look up and compare each string to. Any one know of a resource available. Im using VS2008 in C#.
您可以从网上下载单词列表(例如,此处提到的文件之一: http://www.outpost9.com/files/WordLists.html ),然后快速进行操作:
You could download a list of words from the web (say one of the files mentioned here: http://www.outpost9.com/files/WordLists.html), then then do a quick:
// Read words from file.
string [] words = ReadFromFile();
Dictionary<String, List<String>> permuteDict = new Dictionary<String, List<String>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (String word in words) {
String sortedWord = new String(word.ToArray().Sort());
if (!permuteDict.ContainsKey(sortedWord)) {
permuteDict[sortedWord] = new List<String>();
// To do a lookup you can just use
String sortedWordToLook = new String(wordToLook.ToArray().Sort());
List<String> outWords;
if (permuteDict.TryGetValue(sortedWordToLook, out outWords)) {
foreach (String outWord in outWords) {