在我的工作中,我们通过Visual Studio使用GIT存储库,并为每个功能分支生成构建。目前,我已将TFS配置为向我的团队发送构建完成/失败警报,并且警报发送得很好。但是,我希望在电子邮件内容中包含功能分支信息的警报,以便在特定功能分支的构建完成或失败时很容易知道。是否可以包含"源版本";将b $ b包含在电子邮件内容/主题行中的信息?如果是,那将为我解决问题,但我仍然需要有人来帮助我实现这一目标。如果没有,我该如何解决我的问题?
At my work we are using GIT repositories through Visual Studio and we generate builds for each feature branch. Currently I have configured TFS to send out build complete/failure alerts to my team and the alerts get sent out just fine. However, I would like the alerts to contain the feature branch information in the email content so that it's easy to know when build for a specific feature branch is completed or failed. Is it possible to include the "Source Version" information to include into the email content/subject line? If Yes, that would solve the problem for me but I still need someone to help me out how I can achieve that. If not, How can I solve my problem?
>However, I would like the alerts to contain the feature branch information in the email content
>Is it possible to include the "Source Version" information to include into the email content/subject line?
You can customize the format of email notifications, or alerts, that team members subscribe to. To customize the format, you can modify their associatedXSL transform files.You may check if there is any template can provide the feature branch or source version information for you to customize.
Alert format transform files are stored in the following folder on the application-tier server:
C:\Program Files \ Microsoft Office Team Server 14.0 \\ Application Tier\TFSJobAgent\Transforms\1033
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 14.0\Application Tier\TFSJobAgent\Transforms\1033
If there is no template to use, you may consider to write your event service to create your own email.