Following is the sample xml file:
<environment id="Development">
I'm trying to convert the above xml file into a PowerShell dictionary using following script.
[System.Xml.XmlDocument] $configxml = Get-Content xmlfile
$environmentId = "Development"
$keyValuePairs = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String,System.String]"
$configxml.SelectNodes("//configuration/environment[@id='$($environmentId)']//*[not(*)]") | `
ForEach-Object {
if($_.ParentNode.ToString() -ne "targetmachine")
$keyValuePairs.Add($_.Name.ToLower(), $_.InnerText)
Write-Output $keyValuePairs
Im getting following output, which is expected.
Key Value
----- -----
type Dev
client Arizona
dataSource Local
path App_Data\%%type%%\%%client%%_%%dataSource%%
But After converting the elements into Key value pairs, I want to replace the placeholders with actualy values. In other words, element "Path" has 3 placeholders, they are
1. type
2. client
3. dataSource
基本上,占位符是指以两个百分比(%% xyz %%)开头和结尾的字符串.因此,在将占位符替换为实际值之后,我需要以下输出:
Basically placeholders means the strings which starts and ends with two percents (%%xyz%%). So, I need following output after replacing placeholders with actual values:
Key Value
----- -----
type Dev
client Arizona
dataSource Local
path App_Data\Dev\Arizona_Local
Can someone please help me how can I achive this using PowerShell. Thanks in advance.
In general, when posting an example with xml or csv data, it is helpful to use here strings to represent the data instead of referencing a file that others do not have.
Something like this can be used to achieve your result.
$xmldata = @"
<environment id="Development">
[System.Xml.XmlDocument] $configxml = [xml]$xmldata
$environmentId = "Development"
$keyValuePairs = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String,System.String]"
$configxml.SelectNodes("//configuration/environment[@id='$($environmentId)']//*[not(*)]") | `
ForEach-Object {
if($_.ParentNode.ToString() -ne "targetmachine")
$keyValuePairs.Add($_.Name, $_.InnerText)
Write-Output $keyValuePairs
# A static way...
#$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace '%%type%%', $keyValuePairs.type
#$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace '%%client%%', $keyValuePairs.client
#$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace '%%datasource%%', $keyValuePairs.datasource
# Something more dynamic
$m = [Regex]::Matches($keyValuePairs.path,"%%(.+?)%%*")
$m | % {
$tag = $_.Groups[1].Value
$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace "%%$tag%%", $($keyValuePairs.$tag)
Write-Output $keyValuePairs
Note, if you wanted something totally dynamic in nature, it can be done by getting all the placeholders by some other method, like a regex with capture, but that seemed unnecessary based on the problem statement.