在渲染 Page
What is the correct way to get data async before a Page
gets rendered?
建议使用 @CanActivate
装饰器.可悲的是,这不适用于 Ionic2,至少不适用于我和 其他
suggests the @CanActivate
decorator as far as I understand it. Sadly this is not working with Ionic2, at least not for me and for others
显然 Ionic2
使用 @CanActivate
装饰器 见但它没有记录,我无法弄清楚它到底做了什么.
Apparently Ionic2
does something with the @CanActivate
decorator, seeBut its not documented and i can't figure out what it does exactly.
尽管如此 这家伙指出应该使用 无论如何,由于离子缓存,离子视图状态
Nevertheless this guy points out one should use Ionics View States
instead anyways, due to ionics caching. His example looks like this:
onPageWillEnter() {
return this._service.getComments().then(data => this.comments = data);
看起来他希望 Ionic 考虑返回的承诺,但是 快速浏览 离子源显示(至少我是这么认为的)返回值被忽略.因此,不能保证在页面呈现之前 会解决承诺.这是一个带有 onPage* 的 示例,以及它没有按需要/预期执行的原因.
Which looks like he is expecting Ionic to consider the returned promise, but a quick glance a Ionics sources reveals (at least I think so) that the returned value is ignored. Hence there is no guarantee that the promise gets resolved before the page gets rendered. Here is an example with onPage* and how it does not perform as needed/expected.
So I'm lost, how does one achieve this simple task?
In the first link, it was suggested to resolve the data before navigating to the page, which burdens the knowledge which data is needed for the page on the callee. This is not an option in my opinion.
对于在使用 Ionic 2 时对 Stackoverflow 进行限制页面访问的任何人来说,Ionic 推荐的生命周期事件似乎是 ionViewCanEnter
For anyone crawling Stackoverflow about restricting page access when using Ionic 2, it looks like Ionic's recommended lifecycle event to tap into is ionViewCanEnter
ionViewCanEnter 在视图进入之前运行.这可以用作经过身份验证的视图中的一种守卫",您需要在视图进入之前检查权限.