

我有一个 HTC ONE M7 (GPE 4.2.2)和 HTC EVO 3D (4.0.3)的HTC Sense 3.6


 <使用许可权的android:NAME =android.permission.READ_CONTACTS/>

HTC EVO 3D 但是,下面的code抛出异常:

    字符串contactNumber = NULL;
    最后乌里contactUri = data.getData();
    如果(contactUri!= NULL){
        光标C = NULL;
            的String [] =投影新的String [] {} ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER;
            C = context.getContentResolver()查询(contactUri,投影,NULL,NULL,NULL);
            如果(C =空&放大器;!&放大器; c.moveToFirst()){
                INT maxNumberLength = context.getResources()getInteger(R.integer.max_phone_number_cze)。
                contactNumber = cutOnlyLastPhoneNumberDigits(c.getString(0),maxNumberLength);
        } {最后
            如果(C!= NULL){


URI内容:从PID = 14938,UID //com.android.contacts/data/2158 = 10125要求android.permission.READ_CONTACTS

我已阅读,当用户通过手的接触appliaction被授予所需的权限。但是在某些手机上不起作用(HTC EVO 3D)。



If the Uri you are getting is coming from ACTION_PICK or ACTION_GET_CONTENT, whether or not you have temporary read permissions for that contact will vary by contact-picking app.

There is no requirement that all contact-picking apps grant you temporary read access to the contact. In fact, I am unclear if third-party contact managers would have the ability to grant you temporary read access to the contact.

You cannot ask for a permission at runtime.

Your choices are:

  1. Always ask for READ_CONTACTS in the manifest. This ensures you can do what you want, at the cost of requesting another permission, one that prospective users might not like.

  2. Handle the SecurityException and simply do without the data that you are trying to query(), if that data is not essential.

  3. Write a separate app with the READ_CONTACTS permission that can serve as a "plugin" for your app, securely retrieving contact data on behalf of your main app. You can then route users who get the SecurityException to install your contacts plugin. This is tricky to write without introducing security flaws, so I would encourage you to use either of the other options.


08-04 01:55