Can be get an audio signal back from its MFCC coefficients? Also do MFCC coefficients have a range of value if so what is it and if not how do you normalize it between 0 to 1.
I tried using the following MATLAB code:
but the recovered audio is no where similar to the original signal.
此问题更适合 dsp stackexchange .
您无法修复来自MFCC的精确信号,它会丢失一些信息,因此信号必须相似但不完全相同.通常它的质量较低.您可以在 http://www.research中找到示例.ibm.com/haifa/projects/multimedia/recovc/demo/index.html .
You can not repair exact signal from MFCC, it drops some information on the way so the signal must be similar but not exactly the same. Usually it's lower quality. You can find examples at http://www.research.ibm.com/haifa/projects/multimedia/recovc/demo/index.html.
您始终可以将任何实值数据集标准化为0..1范围.一种方法是根据实验数据对std/variation进行归一化.如果您的数据是 x = {x1,x2,x3,....}
.第二种方法是应用任何映射功能,例如 arctan
You can always normalize any real-valued dataset to 0..1 range. One approach is to normalize std/variation from the experimental data. If your data is x = {x1, x2, x3,....}
then you can consider (x_i - mean(x))/std(x)
. Second approach is apply any mapping function like arctan
. Usually such normalization is not needed.