

如何读取另一台服务器上托管的JSON文件?有一个托管JSON数据的网站,我想通过JavaScript访问它.JSON数据位于 Open Notify API .

How do I read a JSON file that is hosted on another server?There is a site which hosts JSON data and I want to access it through JavaScript.The JSON data is on the Open Notify API.


The problem with other questions asked and things I found on the Internet don't help me because they're all about local JSON files!

我也尝试了jQuery,但是没有用.无论如何,当我查看语法时,函数的 script 部分必须是服务器上的PHP脚本.我将JSON文件放在该位置,但是什么也没发生.我使用了$.get()方法.

I also tried jQuery but it didn't work. Anyways, when I looked at the syntax, the script part of the function had to be a PHP script on the server. I put the JSON file in that spot but nothing happened. I used the $.get() method.


I would really appreciate it if someone answered me.




In pretty much the same manner you'd call a local JSON file, you can fetch the contents of an online JSON file from another URL.


That being said, you should keep in mind that the URL should provide cross-origin headers to allow your domain to request that resource.

您提到的 URL 具有这些标头,您可以使用它.但是,他们的Web服务器不支持HTTPS,因此在这里我不能使用它作为示例,因此我将使用为示例起见,此JSON :

The URL you mentioned has those headers and you can use it. However, their web server doesn't support HTTPS so I can't use it as an example here, thus I will use this JSON for the sake of the example:

  function( data ) {
     $('div#title span').html(data.title);
     $('div#completed span').html(data.completed?'true':'false');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div id='title'>Title: <span></span></div>
<div id='completed'>Completed: <span></span></div>


09-05 12:11