

如果创建的网址不是真正的网址,那么使用历史记录API的重点是什么?当然我可以尽可能多地推送State,但是如果我不能将其中一个URL作为书签包含在某个地方,那有什么意义呢?我真正的问题是 - 如何设置Web服务器,以便无论输入的地址如何,它只加载一个Web应用程序(保留地址完整,以便我可以使用JavaScript引用它来加载相关内容)?

What's the point of using the History API if the URLs that it creates aren't "real" URLs? Sure I can pushState as much as I want, but if I can't then include one of these URLs as a bookmark somewhere, what's the point? My real question is -- how do you set up a web server so that, regardless of the address entered, it loads only one web application (leaving the address intact so that I can then reference it using JavaScript to load relevant content)?

因此,我可以使用History API显示相应的地址,然后当用户稍后返回网站时,该书签实际上可以正常工作。

So, I could then use the History API to display the appropriate address and then have that bookmark actually work when the user returns later to the site.



There's nothing fake about the URLs created from the history API. You simply need to handle them properly when visitors use them to load the entire page (via an external hyperlink or bookmark or what-not). You can either do this on the client side or the server side.


Handling the URLs server side will, of course, depend entirely on how you're developing your application and is a bit out of scope for this question.


On the client side, however, you'd have JavaScript parse the URL and then respond accordingly. I personally find the jQuery Address plugin very good for this.

包含这样的插件,包括使用 state 参数的应用程序根目录的绝对路径:

Include the plugin like so, including an absolute path to the root of your application with the state argument:

< script type =text / javascriptsrc =jquery.address-1.3.min.js?state = / absolute / path / to / your / application> < / script>

然后你有 jQuery.address 解析页面加载并且DOM准备就绪时的URL:

Then you'd have jQuery.address parse the URL when the page loads and the DOM is ready:

// Handle the initial load and make the page look the way it's supposed to
$.address.init(function(e) {
    // Address and path details can be found in the event object.
    // Explore it a bit via console.log()


For a good, working example I recommend viewing the source of this jQuery.address example as well as the jQuery.address docs.


08-30 16:50