

我打算编写WP7应用程序,该应用程序需要每5分钟将GPS位置发送到服务器电话.即使应用未运行,也必须将数据发送到服务器.一种方法是使用背景代理(我使用的是7.5 Mango),但在这种情况下,应用程序仅每30分钟发送一次数据,在我的情况下是不可接受的.

I am planning to write WP7 app, which needs to send to server phones GPS position every 5 minutes. Data must be sent to server even if app is not running. One way to do that is to use Background agents (I am using 7.5 Mango), but in that case app will send data only every 30 minutes, which is not acceptable in my case.
Is there any other solution?
Thanks in advice.


否,这不是Mango上WP7应用程序支持的用例.另外,重要的是要提到您将获得的后台代理上的> GeoCoordinateWatcher 是大约15分钟内的缓存地理位置,而不是实时地理位置.

No, this is not a supported usecase for WP7 apps on Mango. Also, it's important to mention that the location you'll get for GeoCoordinateWatcher on a background agent is a cached geolocation from approximately the last 15 minutes and not the real-time geolocation.


What exactly are you trying to build if you don't mind me asking? This sounds oddly close to spyware. Even if it's innocuous and meant for a good purpose, I'd be careful walking in any direction that constantly shares GeoLoc with a remote server.


08-04 04:31