


We are building a fully RESTful back-end with the Play Framework. We are also building a separate web front-end with a different technology stack that will call the RESTful API.


How do we deploy both apps so they have the same domain name, with some url's used for the backend API and some for the front-end views?


For example, visiting MyDomain.com means the front-end displays the home page, but sending a GET to MyDomain.com/product/24 means the back-end returns a JSON object with the product information. A further possibility is if a web browser views MyDomain.com/product/24, then the front-end displays an HTML page, and that webpage was built from a back-end call to the same url.


Finally, do we need two dedicated servers for this? Or can the front-end and back-end be deployed on the same server (e.g. OpenShift, Heroku)


简单,没有任何疑问,最干净的方法是创建两个数据提供一个单一的应用,通过URL来和FE,在那里你不同的响应(JSON VS HTML),伪线路:

You are gonna to dig yourself... deep :)

Simplest and most clean approach with no any doubt is creating a single application serving data for both, BE and FE, where you differ response (JSON vs HTML) by the URL, pseudo routes:

GET  /products/:id          controllers.Frontend.productHtml(id)
GET  /backend/products/:id  controllers.Backend.productJson(id)


  • 单个部署(假设为Heroku的)

  • 命名空间从一个应用程序管理

  • 无需修改变更后许多应用程序模型在其中的一个

如果你真的立志打造一个两个单独的应用程序,使用一些HTTP服务器作为代理 - 为例 nginx的 - 因此它会发送所有请求 domain.tld / * 应用程序端口<$ C $工作C> 9000 (将与HTML回答),但要求 domain.tld /后端/ * 重定向到应用程序在港工作 9001 使用JSON响应。

If you're really determined to create a two separate apps, use some HTTP server as a proxy - for an example nginx - so it will send all requests to domain.tld/* to application working at port 9000 (which will answer with HTML) but requests to domain.tld/backend/* redirect to application working at port 9001 responding with JSON.


If you are really gonna to response with JSON or HTML depending on the caller you can try to compare headers to check if request was sent from browser or from AJAX call in each controller , but believe me that will become a nightmare faster than you thing... insert the coin, choose the flavor


08-03 18:58