I'm trying to deploy a flask app on heroku. I've gotten to the point where the app builds and deploys, but when I try to go to the URL, the app times out with the following error.
Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch
I think the problem is with my procfile. It has one line.
web: python add_entry3.py
Other people have procfiles that look like this:
web: gunicorn app:app
This is just a toy app and I don't care about performance so I don't think I need to use gunicorn for the web server. Should I be putting a colon and command after my app's file name (add_entry3.py)?
您的flask应用很可能在Heroku期望的端口和接口上没有应答.默认情况下,Flask仅 侦听127.0.0.1,我认为在端口5000上.Heroku向您的应用程序传递了一个 PORT
Most likely your flask app isn't answering on the port and interface the Heroku expects. By default, Flask only listens on, and I think on port 5000. Heroku passes your app a PORT
environment variable and you'd need to tell Flask to listen on all interfaces.
But there are reasons other than performance you want to avoid Flask's default debug server for production code. It's got memory leaks, there are security implications, and really ... just don't do it. Add gunicorn to your requirements.txt and use that.
但是如果您必须使用Flask测试/调试服务器,请将您的 app.run()
But if you must use the Flask test/debug server, change your app.run()
call to something like this:
app.run(host='', port=int(os.environ.get("PORT", 5000)))
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