我使用Project Server 2013,Project Professional 2103和MS Excel 2013。
I use Project Server 2013, Project Professional 2103 and MS Excel 2013.
我使用PWA BI生成报告并格式化生成的Excel文件中的任何日期。然后我将文件保存回PWA,但是当我重新运行报告时,它没有显示新的日期格式。
I generate reports using PWA BI and format any dates in the Excel file that is produced. I then save the file back to PWA but when I rerun the reports, it doesn't show the new date format.
我的问题是:如何在PWA BI中保存日期格式,所以我的所有报告都使用相同的格式?
My question is: how can I save date formats in PWA BI, so that all my reports will use the same format?
Where do you see the format being changed, when you open in excel or on the PWA?