我已经使用c#语言完成了使用sql server和visual studio的程序。
< connectionStrings>
< add name =MWEConnectionStringconnectionString =integrated security = yes; initial catalog = MWDB; data source = .\sqlexpress/>
< / connectionStrings>
和根据sql server应该使用windows身份验证还是什么?
connectionString =Data Source =\SQL2008R2;初始目录= MWDB; Persist安全信息= True;用户ID =用户;密码=密码
connectionString =Data Source = NAMEOFCOMPUTER\SQL2008R2; Initial Catalog = MWDB; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = user; Password = password
$ b p>您可以从Visual Studio为应用程序生成连接字符串。从数据库浏览器 - >连接到数据库
I have finished a program using sql server and visual studio using c# language .
I want to put the database on pc and the program that connected to that database on other PCs
I'm using this connection string in App.config :
<add name="MWEConnectionString" connectionString ="integrated security=yes;initial catalog=MWDB;data source=.\sqlexpress"/>
Should I change server name by pc external ip address?and according to sql server Should I use windows authentication or what?I don't know how to do it.
解决方案 You should access the server by it's address by using Sql Server authentication.
Your connection string should look something like this:
connectionString="Data Source=\SQL2008R2;Initial Catalog=MWDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user;Password=password"
(this is just an example, your settings will probably be different).
Another example:
connectionString="Data Source=NAMEOFCOMPUTER\SQL2008R2;Initial Catalog=MWDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user;Password=password"
for accessing the server by name.
You can generate a connection string for your application from Visual Studio. From Database Explorer -> Connect to Database
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