                   我有9台服务器。我想使用Azure BAckup Server NOT MARS代理在本地创建一个副本。我在环境中没有域名或Active Directory。当我尝试
安装azure备份服务器时,它说我不是AD域服务的一部分,而且计算机没有加入域。这是否意味着我无法使用Azure BAckup Server在Prem上创建备份???????
I have 9 servers on prem. I want to use Azure BAckup Server NOT MARS agent to create a copy on prem. I dont have a domain or Active Directory in the enviroment. When I am trying to install azure backup server it says I am not part of AD Domain services and computer is not domain joined. Does that means I cannot use Azure BAckup Server to create a backup on Prem???????
我能提供的唯一建议, ; 将其中一台Windows Server计算机升级为域控制器,然后您将拥有一个域并可以将DPM服务器加入该域。 T 他的工作负载机器可以超出
The only suggestion that I can provide, promote one of the Windows Server machine to a Domain Controller, then you would have a domain and can join the DPM server to that Domain. The workload machines can be outside of domain and use certificate based authentication.
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