


Here's a new one, IE11 is throwing errors on code that works in every other browser.


Anyway, after a few hours of "fixing" code so that IE11 doesn't fall on its own face I have come across an error I just cannot seem to find a solution to. Here is the code in question:

$('input[name="messageAccount"]').change(function () {
    var addedIds = $("#hdnfield").val();
    if (addedIds == null || addedIds === "") {
    } else {

这是嵌套在Ajax请求中成功调用的内部。 IE的调试器说这个错误来自 else 语句的内容,但是它也读错了所有的括号。例如,在Ajax请求的结束括号之后,此函数的左括号正在关闭...(希望这是有意义的)。

This is nested on the inside of the success call in an Ajax request. IE's debugger is saying the error is coming from the content of the else statement but it's also reading all the brackets wrong. For example the opening parenthesis on this function is being "closed" after the closing bracket for the Ajax request... (hopefully that made sense).


Has anyone else had a similar issue with IE before? I've got a number of other bugs to fix so if there are any replies I will post back as soon as I can. Thanks in advance.


just for reference I am currently running this locally and is part of what will become an internally hosted web app.



It's because "`" (template strings) is not supported by IE : http://caniuse.com/#search=string


为避免此错误,您可以使用ES6到ES5转发器,也可以直接写有效的ES5 javascript:

To avoid this error you can either use a ES6 to ES5 transpiler, or just directly write valid ES5 javascript:



10-25 02:03