我感到困惑的原因是我在构建mvc应用程序时使用了两个不同的演练,分别是:史蒂文·桑德森的pro asp.net mvc和在线mvc音乐商店。前者创建一个域模型,将实体模型与存储库一起放置在其中,而音乐商店演示将实体模型放置在mvc模型文件夹中。哪种方法是最好的方法。实体模型和相关的存储库应该存在于单独的域层中还是在MVCs模型文件夹中。
My confusion stems from the fact I am using 2 different walkthroughs on building mvc applications, namely: Steven Sanderson's pro asp.net mvc and the online mvc music store. The former creates a domain model, placing the entity model in there along with repositories, while the music store demo places the entity model in the mvc model folder. Which of these is the best approach. Should the entity model and associated repositories exist in a separate domain layer, or in the MVCs model folder.
Asp.net MVC项目模板中的Model文件夹确实非常令人困惑。大多数不了解MVC模式的开发人员都认为应用程序/域模型=数据模型。
Separation of concerns
Model folder in Asp.net MVC project template is indeed very confusing. Most developers not knowing enough about MVC pattern think that application/domain model = data model. Most of the time, that's not the case.
Take for instance a user entity that may be in several different forms:
是应用程序模型实体,具有用户的大多数属性,以及两个密码属性,可以以声明方式进行验证 -
数据模型实体具有所有通常的用户属性和一个密码属性 -
is an application model entity that has most properties of a user, plus two password properties that can be declaratively validatedUser
data model entity has all usual user properties and one password propertyUser
application model entity has all the usual properties and none for password
因此您可以通过这个简单的示例看到存在多个彼此不同的模型。而且,当您有一个多组装的应用程序时,将应用程序模型放在单独的程序集中是非常明智的,因为所有程序集很可能仅使用这些对象进行通信。不应将任何数据模型实体转移到数据组件/层之外以使用SoC ...
So you can see by this simple example there are multiple models that differ between each other. And when you have a multi-assemblied application, putting application model in a separate assembly is very wise, since all assemblies will most probably communicate using these objects only. No data model entities should be transferred outside data assembly/tier to make use of SoC...
So in the end it's ok to put data model in the Model folder when building a small scale simple application, but in all other cases it's probably better to use a separate application model assembly that's shared between all assemblies. And have a separate data model that's only used in data tier assembly.
Read this answer that may help you see things a bit clearer.
And this one as well.
I would recommend against using the Model folder and use a separate assembly instead. You'll have better separation and improved scalability.