

我一直在短信应用程序,我想为用户提供...如果用户输入正确的用户名和密码只能访问...我怎么能完成一些私人空间... 。?有人告诉我,我可以使用的AccountManager 但我怎么能与挂靠我的课或活动关于这一点我很打算把密码....

i have been working on an sms application and i want to provide some private space for the user... which can only be accessed if the user enters the right username and password...how can i accomplish that....? somebody told me that i can use the AccountManager but how can i link it with my class or activity on which i am going to put the password....

public class PrivateSpace extends Activity{

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

任何帮助将AP preciated ...

any help will be appreciated...


我认为它可以通过使用共享preferences ..存储密码为您的应用这样可以轻松实现。

I think it can be easily achieved by using shared preferences.. to store the password for your application like this..

  SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("my_shared_pref", 0);
  String password = settings.getString("password", "empty");
  if(password == "empty"){

   //store the value in your edittext as password

    //if string in edittext matches with the password value.. let the user enter the activity.. else make a toast of wrong password..


08-20 16:08