params = email and redirect link (我可以通过电子邮件发送密码重置链接,但是当我单击该链接或电子邮件中的更改我的密码"时,它会跳转到带有令牌的重定向地址.I can send a password reset link via email, but when I click the link or "Change my password" in the email, it jump to the redirect address with token.它显示您要查找的页面不存在".And it shows the "The page you were looking for doesn't exist."这可能是路线错误或其他原因,但我不知道.我什至不确定是否应该为重定向链接设置"/password/edit".This might be routes errror or something, but I don't know. I am not even sure if I should set "/password/edit" for redirect link.这是github的相关链接 is the related link for the github我是否缺少某些内容,还是应该为重定向链接部分设置其他地址?Am I missing something, or should I set a different address for redirect link part?推荐答案如上所述,devise_token_auth具有三个API调用,用于重置密码.As noted above, devise_token_auth has three API's calls to make for resetting a password. POST /auth/password Params: 'email', 'redirect_url'例如:curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST -d '{"email":"", "redirect_url": ""}'请注意,给出的 redirect_url 必须与您希望用户用来确认和重置密码的端点相对应.Note that the redirect_url given must correspond to the endpoint you want the user taken to for confirming and resetting their password.例如如果要重定向到iOS应用程序中的某个位置,请在 redirect_url 定义中使用该应用程序方案的URL.例如.在iOS上手动执行此操作:E.g. if wanting redirect to somewhere within an iOS app, use the URL for that app scheme in the redirect_url definition. E.g. to manually do this on iOS:curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST -d '{"email":"", "redirect_url": "myappStoreAppName://auth/password/edit"}' 2.GET调用以验证密码重置令牌(在电子邮件中单击)GET /auth/password/editParams: 'password_reset_token', 'redirect_url'E.g. via our iOS app would produce an email link like this:如果这是来自Web应用程序,则"redirect_to"链接应指向可以填写 password 和 password_confirmation 表单的表单.如果密码重置电子邮件链接指向一个移动应用程序,则由该应用程序来创建密码重置表格.If this is from a web app, the 'redirect_to' link should point to a form where a password and password_confirmation form can be filled out. If the password reset email link points to a mobile app, it's up to that app to create the password reset form.在此步骤中最重要的是知道发出请求的客户端将从Rails应用中获取 Access-Token HEADER.Most important in this step is knowing that the client making the request will get back an Access-Token HEADER from the Rails app.此访问令牌需要保存,因为客户端将在下一个请求中使用此访问令牌,以在用户更改密码时保持用户身份验证.This Access-Token needs to be saved, because it's what the client will use in the next request to keep the user authenticated while the user changes their password.PUT /auth/passwordHead: 'uid: VALUE', 'client: VALUE', 'access-token: VALUE', 'token-type: Bearer'Params: 'password', 'password_confirmation'请注意此PUT调用需要提供的HEAD值.这样可以确保我们(现在已通过身份验证的用户)有权执行密码更改,并确保即使更改密码后我们的用户也可以继续保持身份验证.Note the HEAD values that need to be supplied for this PUT call. These ensure our (now authenticated user) has permission to execute a change of password, and ensure that our user can continue to remain authenticated even after changing their password.例如通过卷曲:curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'uid:' -H 'client: U9FIDbiDbYVulsi1dBpxOQ' -H 'access-token: JbGQi97FTAwsW4n6SZ9aYQ' -H 'Accept: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"password": "foobar", "password_confirmation": "foobar"}' 这篇关于Rails devise_token_auth gem,如何设置密码重置链接?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-26 19:49