我正在尝试使用TestFlight,Jenkings,GitHub,Sonar为iOS(iPhone和iPad)创建CI.我下载了macosx jenkings软件包/向导.看来它为我的mac电脑创建了一个用户.密码是多少?因为我在使用钥匙串时遇到问题,我猜这是因为我使用的是我自己的用户,而不是jenkins个人资料.亲切的问候,里卡多.
I'm trying to create a CI for iOS (iPhone and iPad) using TestFlight, Jenkings, GitHub, Sonar...I downloaded the macosx jenkings package/wizard. It seems it created a user for my mac.What is its password?Because I'm having problems with the keychain and I guess it is because I'm user my own user instead of jenkins profile.Kind Regards,Ricardo.
If I remember correctly, it's not set by default (empty).
阅读本文(如何从命令行在OS X中更改密码): http://osxdaily.com/2011/09/19/change-password-mac-os-x-10-7-lion-without-knowing-current-password/
Read this article (how to change password in OS X from command line):http://osxdaily.com/2011/09/19/change-password-mac-os-x-10-7-lion-without-knowing-current-password/