I have created a jsTree to show the folder pathname. My problem is how do I add a strikethrough according to the condition active or inactive in the JSTree ? Hope someone can guide me to solve this problem. Below is my code:
$folderData = mysqli_query($mysql_con,"SELECT * FROM filing_code_management");
$arr_sql5 = db_conn_select($folderData);
foreach ($arr_sql5 as $rs_sql5) {
$active = $rs_sql5['status'];
$folders_arr = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($folderData)){
$parentid = $row['parentid'];
if($parentid == '0') $parentid = "#";
$selected = false;$opened = false;
if($row['id'] == 2){
$selected = true;$opened = true;
$folders_arr[] = array(
"id" => $row['id'],
"parent" => $parentid,
"text" => $row['name'] . ' ' . "<span id='category'>". $row['category']."</span>",
"category" => $row['category'],
"state" => array("selected" => $selected,"opened"=>$opened)
?> -->
<!-- Initialize jsTree -->
<div id="folder_jstree" title=""></div>
<!-- Store folder list in JSON format -->
<textarea style="" id='txt_folderjsondata'><?= json_encode($folders_arr) ?></textarea>
<script style="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var folder_jsondata = JSON.parse($('#txt_folderjsondata').val());
'core': {
'data': folder_jsondata,
'multiple': false
'plugins': ['sort'],
'sort': function(a, b) {
return this.get_text(a).localeCompare(this.get_text(b), 'en', {
numeric: true
var getColor = function(i) {
if (i >= 100 && i <= 199) {
return "blue";
} else if (i >= 200 && i <= 299) {
return "red";
} else if (i >= 300 && i <= 399) {
return "yellow";
} else if (i >= 400 && i <= 499) {
return "purple";
} else if (i >= 500 && i <= 599) {
return "green";
} else {
return "#000";
var colorNodes = function(nodelist) {
var tree = $('#folder_jstree').jstree(true);
nodelist.forEach(function(n) {
tree.get_node(n.id).a_attr.style = "color:" + getColor(parseInt(n.text.substr(0, 3), 10));
tree.redraw_node(n.id); //Redraw tree
colorNodes(n.children); //Update leaf nodes
$('#folder_jstree').bind('load_node.jstree', function(e, data) {
var tree = $('#folder_jstree').jstree(true);
$('#folder_jstree').bind('hover_node.jstree', function(e, data) {
$("#" + data.node.id).attr("title", data.node.original.category);
/* $(function() {
}); */
在 json_encode($ folders_arr)内部,内容为:
[{"id":"1","parent":"#","text":"100 PENTADBIRAN <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"2","parent":"#","text":"200 PENGURUSAN TANAH & BANGUNAN <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":true,"opened":true}},{"id":"3","parent":"#","text":"300 PENGURUSAN ASET <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"4","parent":"#","text":"400 PENGURUSAN KEWANGAN <span id='category'>JKP<\/span>","category":"JKP","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"5","parent":"#","text":"500 PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA <span id='category'>JKP<\/span>","category":"JKP","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"6","parent":"1","text":"100-1 PERUNDANGAN <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"7","parent":"1","text":"100-2 PERHUBUNGAN AWAM <span id='category'>JKP<\/span>","category":"JKP","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"8","parent":"6","text":"100-1-1 PENGGUBALAN-PENYEDIAAN-PINDAAN UNDANG-UNDANG-PERATURAN <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"9","parent":"6","text":"100-1-2 KHIDMAT NASIHAT <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"10","parent":"8","text":"100-1-1-1 UNDANG-UNDANG KECIL KERJA DI JALAN 1996 <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"11","parent":"8","text":"100-1-1-2 UNDANG-UNDANG KECIL PERUNTUKAN MENGENAI LESEN BERSESAMA (MAJLIS PERBANDARAN) <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"12","parent":"8","text":"100-1-1-3 UNDANG-UNDANG KECIL MENGKOMPAUN KESALAHAN-KESALAHAN (MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KLANG), JALAN PARIT DAN <span id='category'>JTM (BERHUBUNG KOD 100-1\/1\/2)<\/span>","category":"JTM (BERHUBUNG KOD 100-1\/1\/2)","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"13","parent":"9","text":"100-1-2-1 JABATAN PENGUATKUASAAN <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"14","parent":"9","text":"100-1-2-2 JABATAN BANGUNAN <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"15","parent":"7","text":"100-2-1 PUBLISITI, PROMOSI DAN PROTOKOL <span id='category'>JKP<\/span>","category":"JKP","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"16","parent":"15","text":"100-2-1-1 PUBLISITI DAN KENYATAAN MEDIA <span id='category'>JKP<\/span>","category":"JKP","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}},{"id":"84","parent":"#","text":"201 HAHA <span id='category'>JTM<\/span>","category":"JTM","state":{"selected":false,"opened":false}}]
我想要这样的条件:如果 $ active = 0 ,那么它将在jsTree中显示删除线.否则,如果 $ active = 1 ,它将恢复正常.
I want the condition such that if $active = 0 then it will show the strikethrough in the jsTree. Else if $active = 1 then it will back to normal.
Actually I want the actual output like the below sample picture. For the output below I just used Paint software to edit, easier to let you know what I want as the output:
我正在工作的JSFiddle代码在这里: https://jsfiddle.net/ason5861_cs/9x0dsotz/2 /
My working JSFiddle code is here: https://jsfiddle.net/ason5861_cs/9x0dsotz/2/
Hope someone can guide me on how to add strikethrough according to the condition active or inactive into my code?
注意:如果不活跃,$ row ['name']和$ row ['category']需要将删除线放在一起.
Note:$row['name'] and $row['category']needed to put strikethrough together if inactive.
使用PHP,您可以有条件将NULL变量的值设置为text-decoration,然后更改为直通.这将通过CSS完成.只需有一个条件,检查$ active的值是否设置为0(如果设置为0),然后将null变量的值设置为显示直通.如果active的值不是0,则$ strikeThrough将保持NULL且不输出任何内容,因此,不会更改包裹在span标记中的文本样式.
With PHP you could have your conditional to set the value of a NULL variable to text-decoration that changes to line-through. This would be done with CSS. Simply have a conditional that checks if the value of $active is set to 0, if it is, then set the value of the null variable to display line-through. If the value of active is anything other than 0, then $strikeThrough will stay NULL and output nothing, therefor no change to text style that is wrapped in span tag.
$strikeThrough = null;
if($active = 0){
$strikeThrough = 'text-decoration: line-through;'
$output = "<span style='".$strikeThrough."'>" . $rs_wtpname . "</span>";
// no change needed for default Active
IN JS, you could use the #folder_jstree
to run through your list and update there. Likely within your colorNodes function you could have a conditional there to check the value of status, then append css to your value if set to 0 (inactive).
If you are unable to get the status from PHP into JS, you could dump the value in the php code using the aforementioned method into an arbitrary data attribute or even alt attribute added to the #folder_jstree
element span tag. Then retrieve that using JS and perform your conditional in JS.