< div id =menu >
< a href =information.html =shadowbox; height = 500; width = 650title =INFORMATION>
< img src =images / info.pngalt =信息图标/>
< / a>
< a href =images / bricks_of_destiny.jpg =shadowbox [gallery]title =IMAGES>
< img src =images / image.pngalt =图片图标/>
< / a>
< a href =music_player.swftitle =MUSIC =shadowbox; height = 400; width = 600>
< img src =images / music.pngalt =音乐图标/>
< / a>
< a href =#title =MOVIES>< img src =images / television.pngalt =电影图标/>< / a>
< a href =quotes.htmltitle =QUOTES =shadowbox; height = 300; width = 650>
< img src =images / male_user.pngalt =男性用户图标/>
< / a>
< a href =#title =REFERENCES>
< img src =images / search_globe.pngalt =搜索全球图标/>
< / a>
< / div>
#footer {
,因为这样div扩展到全宽度,如果这不是一个可以接受的解决方案,那么网络上的人就会说你可以修复这个问题。 它将父母的文本与中心对齐 - 但这可能会影响布局的其余部分...您必须随时使用它,但至少您知道发生了什么坏事。
I am coding a web interface for a University project and I have been dealing with this issue:
I want my footer fixed at the bottom so it is in place no matter which screen I am using or if I toggle the full screen mode
It works in all the other browsers except IE7 (I do not have to support previous versions)
<div id="menu"> <a href="information.html" rel="shadowbox;height=500;width=650" title="INFORMATION" > <img src="images/info.png" alt="information icon" /> </a> <a href="images/bricks_of_destiny.jpg" rel="shadowbox[gallery]" title="IMAGES" > <img src="images/image.png" alt="image icon" /> </a> <a href="music_player.swf" title="MUSIC" rel="shadowbox;height=400;width=600" > <img src="images/music.png" alt="music icon" /> </a> <a href="#" title="MOVIES"><img src="images/television.png" alt="movies icon" /></a> <a href="quotes.html" title="QUOTES" rel="shadowbox;height=300;width=650" > <img src="images/male_user.png" alt="male user icon" /> </a> <a href="#" title="REFERENCES"> <img src="images/search_globe.png" alt="search globe icon" /> </a> </div> <a href="images/destiny_1.jpg" rel="shadowbox[gallery]" title="IMAGES"></a> <a href="images/destiny_carma_jewell.jpg" rel="shadowbox[gallery]" title="IMAGES"></a> <a href="images/destiny-joan-marie.jpg" rel="shadowbox[gallery]" title="IMAGES"></a> <a href="images/pursuing_destiny.jpg" rel="shadowbox[gallery]" title="IMAGES"></a> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="destiny"> Discover more about the word <span class="strong">DESTINY </span>! Click one of the icon above! (F11 Toggle Full / Standard screen) </div> <div id="footer"> <ul id="breadcrumbs"> <li>Disclaimer</li> <li> | Icons by: <a href="http://dryicons.com/" rel="shadowbox">dryicons.com</a></li> <li> | Website by: <a href="http://www.eezzyweb.com/" rel="shadowbox">eezzyweb</a></li> <li> | <a href="http://jquery.com/" rel="shadowbox">jQuery</a></li> </ul> </div> </div>
#wrapper{ text-align:center; margin:0 auto; width:750px; height:430px; border:1px solid #fff; } #menu{ position:relative; margin:0 auto; top:350px; width:450px; height:60px; } #destiny{ position:relative; top:380px; color:#FFF; font-size:1.5em; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #fff; } #breadcrumbs{ list-style:none; } #breadcrumbs li{ display:inline; color:#FFF; } #footer{ position:absolute; width:750px; height:60px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center; border:1px solid #fff; bottom:0; } .clear{ clear:both; }
The white borders are there only for debugging purposes
The application is hosted at http://www.eezzyweb.com/destiny/
Any suggestion is appreciated
margin: auto;
is what's broken in IE7.You can go around it with#footer { width: 100%; left: 0px; }
, since that way the div stretches to full width and the ul will auto-align to the middle.
But maybe that's not what you want.If it's not an acceptable solution, people on the web say you can fix it with aligning the parent's text to the center - but that might screw the remainder of the layout... you'll have to play around with it, but at least you know what's going bad.