脚本"执行PowerShell ps1脚本?
How can I execute PowerShell ps1 scripts from package.json
我知道如何在package.json"scripts"中设置基本脚本.例如,使用以下配置,我可以执行npm run test
I know how to set up a basic script in package.json "scripts". For example with the following configuration, I can exec npm run test
which will output "this is only a test" to the console:
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"this is only a test\""
However, I have a more advanced scenario where I'd like to execute a PowerShell script. Something like this:
"scripts": {
"buildAngular": "buildAngular.ps1"
Can I exec a ps1 script like this via the scripts object? Is any special setup/config required? Are there any additional constraints?
Assuming powershell is in you PATH you can call it like this:
"scripts": {
"test": "@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ./test.ps1"
在Windows 7和Powershell v4上进行了测试.
Tested on Windows 7 with Powershell v4.
Limitations are that you need Powershell installed and in your PATH. I didn't test it with Powershell for Linux, so not sure if this solution will be portable to other platform for now.
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