我试图让 Uri 停止编码/"正如这里所解释的:获取带有 url 编码斜杠的 URL
I'm trying to get Uri to stop encoding '/'As explained here:GETting a URL with an url-encoded slash
但是如何在 powershell 中实现相同的功能?
But how to achieve the same in powershell ?
I'm trying to follow the route of accessing private property and changing it's value but I can't get it to work.
- 不返回任何内容
- returns nothing
这是 PowerShell 的有效解决方案:
This is working solution for PowerShell:
$uri = [Uri]"http://example.com/%2F"
# access the .PathAndQuery field to initialize the Uri object
$pathAndQuery = $uri.PathAndQuery
$flagsField = $uri.GetType().GetField("m_Flags", [Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic -bor [Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance)
$flagsValue = [UInt64]$flagsField.GetValue($uri)
# remove flags Flags.PathNotCanonical and Flags.QueryNotCanonical
$flagsValue = [UInt64]($flagsValue -band (-bnot 0x30));
$flagsField.SetValue($uri, $flagsValue)
Write-Host $uri.AbsoluteUri
感谢 google-api-dotnet-client 路径 :-) 请注意,与 .net 2.0 有一些不同,我的代码适用于 .>0.对于 <= 2.0 版本,flagsValue
对象的类型将是 [Int32]
而不是 [Uint64]
Thanks to google-api-dotnet-client path :-) please note, that there is some difference with .net 2.0, my code is working for > .net 2.0 (for <= 2.0 versions, the type of flagsValue
object will be [Int32]
instead of [Uint64]
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