本文介绍了如何在 Java 中复制对象?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



DummyBean dum = new DummyBean();
System.out.println(dum.getDummy()); // prints 'foo'

DummyBean dumtwo = dum;
System.out.println(dumtwo.getDummy()); // prints 'foo'

System.out.println(dumtwo.getDummy()); // prints 'bar' but it should print 'foo'

所以,我想将 dum 复制到 dumtwo 并更改 dum 而不影响 dumtwo.但是上面的代码并没有这样做.当我在 dum 中更改某些内容时,dumtwo 中也会发生相同的更改.

So, I want to copy the dum to dumtwo and change dum without affecting the dumtwo. But the code above is not doing that. When I change something in dum, the same change is happening in dumtwo also.

我想,当我说 dumtwo = dum 时,Java 会复制仅引用.那么,有没有办法创建一个 dum 的新副本并将其分配给 dumtwo?

I guess, when I say dumtwo = dum, Java copies the reference only. So, is there any way to create a fresh copy of dum and assign it to dumtwo?



class DummyBean {
  private String dummy;

  public DummyBean(DummyBean another) {
    this.dummy = another.dummy; // you can access

每个对象都有一个克隆方法,可以用来复制对象,但不要使用它.创建一个类并执行不正确的克隆方法太容易了.如果您打算这样做,请至少阅读 Joshua Bloch 在有效的 Java.

Every object has also a clone method which can be used to copy the object, but don't use it. It's way too easy to create a class and do improper clone method. If you are going to do that, read at least what Joshua Bloch has to say about it in Effective Java.

这篇关于如何在 Java 中复制对象?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 17:23