I am wondering about this because of scope issues. For example, consider the code
typedef struct {
int x1;/*top*/
int x2;/*bottom*/
int id;
} subline_t;
subline_t subline(int x1, int x2, int id) {
subline_t t = { x1, x2, id };
return t;
int main(){
subline_t line = subline(0,0,0); //is line garbage or isn't it? the reference
//to subline_t t goes out of scope, so the only way this wouldn't be garbage
//is if return copies
所以我的问题是,return 语句会一直复制吗?在这种情况下,它似乎有效,所以我被引导相信 return 确实复制了.如果它确实复制,它会在每种情况下都复制吗?
So my question is, will the return statement always copy? In this case it seems to work, so I am led to believe that return does copy. If it does copy, will it copy in every case?
Yes, in that case there will be a copy made. If you change the function declaration like this:
subline_t &subline(int x1, int x2, int id) {
then no copy will be made. However, in your specific case it would not be valid to return a reference to an object allocated on the stack. The problem is that the object would be destructed and invalidated before the caller had a chance to use it.
这与 C++ 的常见 返回值优化 有关,可以避免进行实际复制在您描述的情况下进行操作.最终结果(或应该)与完成复制一样,但您应该注意优化.在某些情况下,这种优化的存在可以改变程序的可观察行为.
This is related to the common Return Value Optimization for C++ that can avoid doing an actual copy operation in the case you have described. The end result is (or should be) the same as if a copy were done, but you should be aware of the optimization. The presence of this optimization can, in some cases, change the observable behaviour of the program.