


 < div id =right_columnclass =content_main> 
< div class =searchbox>
< form method =POSTaction =/ faculty / directory_search /id =searchform>
< h4>搜寻目录< / h4>
< input type =textname =searchtermsvalue =/>
< select name =categoryclass =dropdown> < option value =allselected =selected> All Categories< / option> < option value =Faculty> Faculty< / option> < option value =Staff> Staff< / option> < option value =访客>访客< / option> < option value =全职>全职< / option> < option value =Visiting>访问< / option> < option value =特别预约>特别预约< / option> <选项值=生物科学>生物科学< / option> < /选择>
< input type =hiddenname =sortvalue =asc/>
< input type =submitclass =submitvalue =Search directory/>
< a class =buttonhref =/ faculty / index / descid =sortbutton>按字母排序< / a>
< / form>
< script type =text / javascript>
$('input [name =sort ]')。val('desc');
return false;
< / script>
< / div>


$ p $ Document doc = Jsoup.connect( http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/directory/\").data(\"searchterms,john)。post();




pre $ doc $ doc = Jsoup.connect data(search,john)。data(sort,asc)。data(category,all)。post();


I have a piece of html code which represents a part of a website that is supposed to be the search widget for a directory of a faculty in a university

 <div id="right_column" class="content_main">
    <div class="searchbox">
     <form method="POST" action="/faculty/directory_search/" id="searchform">
      <h4>Search the Directory</h4>
      <input type="text" name="searchterms" value="" />
      <select name="category" class="dropdown"> <option value="all" selected="selected">All Categories</option> <option value="Faculty">Faculty</option> <option value="Staff">Staff</option> <option value="Visitors">Visitors</option> <option value="Full time">Full time</option> <option value="Visiting">Visiting</option> <option value="Special Appointment">Special Appointment</option> <option value="Biological Sciences">Biological Sciences</option> </select>
      <input type="hidden" name="sort" value="asc" />
      <input type="submit" class="submit" value="Search directory" />
      <a class="button" href="/faculty/index/desc" id="sortbutton">Sort Alphabetically</a>
     <script type="text/javascript">
                        return false;

I am trying to input the name "john" and submit the search using jsoup using the following java code (intended for android but it's overall the same java code as for a regular java app)

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/directory/").data("searchterms", "john").post();

However, I keep getting the same page as just "http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/directory/" with no search submitted. I noticed that in the html code there is the submit input type. I'm wondering if I had to submit the search. If so, how can it be done?


I believe you are performing a POST request to the page containing the form, not the forms endpoint. This should work:

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/faculty/directory_search/").data("searchterms", "john").data("sort", "asc").data("category", "all").post();

It makes the POST request directly to the forms endpoint.


09-05 12:06