作为后续,如果存在第三列 w ,那么只有边 v ?或者更进一步?
The following algorithm problem occurred to me while drawing a graph for something unrelated:
We have a plane drawing of a bipartite graph, with the disjoint sets arranged in columns as shown. How can we rearrange the nodes within each column so that the number of edge crossings is minimized? I know this problem is NP-hard for general graphs (link), but is there some trick considering that the graph is bipartite?
As a follow-up, what if there is a third column w, which only has edges to v? Or further?
The paper On the one-sided crossing minimization in a bipartite graph with large degrees by Hiroshi Nagamochi mentions that the original paper on the crossing number by Garey and Johnson also proved that minimising the number of edge crossingsis NP-hard for bipartite graphs. In fact, it is still NP-hard even if you are told the optimal order for one column: