


The code below does what I want when I execute it in the command prompt but not when I put it in a .bat file and try to execute it:

for /f %a in ('dir /b *.csv') do for /f "tokens=*" %b in (%a) do echo %b,%a >> all.csv


What am I missing. Also is there a way to have it do exactly what it does without displaying every step in the loop in the command prompt window. Excuse me I am a newbie!


在批处理文件中-与命令提示符相反- for 变量需要两个 %%符号,例如 %% a .

In batch files - as opposed to at the command prompt - for variables require two %% signs, e.g. %%a.

要在执行命令时关闭命令的回显,请将以下行放在批处理文件的顶部: @echo off

To turn off echoing of commands as they're being executed, place the following line at the top your batch file: @echo off

请注意,在 @ 之前加前缀是抑制命令回显的一种特殊方法.在这种情况下,它用于防止 echo off 本身被回显.

Note that prepending @ is an ad-hoc way of suppressing command echoing; in this case it is used to prevent echo off itself from being echoed.


08-04 14:08