


#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    for (unsigned int iter = 0 ; iter < 1000 ; iter++)


    return 0;

MPICH 3.1.4一起运行非常长.这是用于不同MPI实现的挂钟(以秒为单位).

is very long to run with MPICH 3.1.4. Here are the wall clock (in seconds) for different MPI implementations.


On a laptop with 4 processors of 2 cpu cores:

| MPI size | MPICH 1.4.1p1 | openmpi 1.8.4 | MPICH 3.1.4 |
|  2       | 0.01          | 0.39          | 0.01        |
|  4       | 0.02          | 0.39          | 0.01        |
|  8       | 0.14          | 0.45          | 27.28       |
| 16       | 0.34          | 0.53          | 71.56       |


On a desktop with 8 processors of 4 cpu cores:

| MPI size | MPICH 1.4.1p1 | openmpi 1.8.4 | MPICH 3.1.4 |
|  2       | 0.00          | 0.41          | 0.00        |
|  4       | 0.01          | 0.41          | 0.01        |
|  8       | 0.07          | 0.45          | 2.57        |
| 16       | 0.36          | 0.54          | 61.76       |


What explain such a difference, and how to control it?


您正在使用MPI size>可用的处理器数量.由于MPI程序的产生方式是每个进程都由一个处理器处理,因此这意味着,例如,当您在8核计算机上运行MPI size == 16时,每个处理器将负责两个进程.这不会使程序变快,实际上,正如您所见,它将使程序变慢.解决该问题的方法是使计算机具有更多可用处理器,或者确保您使用MPI size< =可用处理器数量运行代码.

You are using MPI size > number of processors available. As MPI programs spawn in such a way that each process is handled by a single processor, what this means is that, for example when you run MPI size == 16 on your 8 core machine, each processor will be responsible for two processes; this will not make the program any faster, and, in fact, will make it slower as you have seen. The way to get around it is to either get a machine with more processors available, or to ensure that you run your code with MPI size <= number of processors available.


07-30 02:17