

我有一些我无法理解的东西:我的Swing GUI包含一个播放和暂停按钮。我还有一个定义'ON'和'OFF'状态的静态变量。 (主程序生成GUI)。

I have something I can't understand: my Swing GUI contains a 'play' and 'pause' button. I have also a static variable that defines 'ON' and 'OFF' states. (The main program generates the GUI).By cliking on 'play' I change the state of my static variable to 'ON' and I launch a time-consuming process in a thread that also modifies the GUI. As long as the static variable is 'ON' loops in the same process. Clicking on 'pause' would change the static variable to OFF.But by clicking on 'play' the GUI is freezing and consequently:

  1. GUI不会更新

  2. 我的暂停按钮无法暂停此过程。


I have heard about EDT and SwingWorker but I you have a simple way to do it I take it.


Thank you for your help and forgive my bad english...


问题是你正在负责更新GUI的同一个线程上进行密集,耗时的工作。 SwingWorker允许您将耗时的任务移动到单独的执行线程,从而使UI线程不受限制地执行其操作。

The problem is that you're doing the intensive, time-consuming work on the same thread responsible for updating the GUI. SwingWorker allows you to move time-consuming tasks to a separate thread of execution, thereby leaving the UI thread to do its thing uninhibited.

然而,它确实增加了一个复杂性:亲和力。在UI组件上调用方法通常需要您从UI线程执行此操作。因此,您需要使用特殊功能从工作线程返回UI线程。 SwingWorker也为你提供了这种能力。

However, it does add a further complication: affinity. Calling methods on UI components generally requires that you do so from the UI thread. Therefore, you need to use special functionality to get back to the UI thread from the worker thread. SwingWorker also gives you this ability.



07-22 15:05