很多的简单的MEF的例子(如下所示)使用 AttributedAssemblyPartCatalog
Many simple MEF examples (listed below) uses AttributedAssemblyPartCatalog
- <一个href="http://mef.$c$cplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?title=Hosting%20MEF%20and%20the%20Container&referringTitle=Guide"相对=nofollow>在C $ CPLEX MEF页
托管MEF /> - 简单的介绍可扩展应用程序与托管扩展框架通过布拉德·亚当斯
- 托管扩展框架教程 - MEF 通过大卫·海登
- Hosting MEF in an application on CodePlex MEF page
- Simple Introduction to Extensible Applications with the Managed Extensions Framework by Brad Adams
- Managed Extensibility Framework Tutorial - MEF by David Hayden
我已经下载 MEF 从的,但仍然无法找到这种类型的任何地方
I have downloaded MEF source from CodePlex but still cannot find that type anywhere.
发生了什么事 AttributedAssemblyPartCatalog
What happened to AttributedAssemblyPartCatalog
and what is the alternative way of creating a resolver?
They renamed it (along with the other catalogs) to a shorter identifier in drop 4 (we're up to drop 5 now). It's called AssemblyCatalog now. Similarly, DirectoryPartCatalog got renamed to DirectoryCatalog.
这篇关于发生了什么事MEF类型,与QUOT; AttributedAssemblyPartCatalog&QUOT;?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!