

有人知道ODP.NET托管访问(Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 12.2)是否通过Entity Frameworks工具(相对于2017 Entity Framework 6.2)支持LDAP?DBA禁止通过TNS进行访问,因此我不再无法连接到数据库以更新数据模型.我收到的错误消息是ORA-12154 TNS无法解析指定的连接标识符.

Does anyone know if ODP.NET Managed Access (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 12.2) support LDAP with the Entity Frameworks tools (vs 2017 Entity Framework 6.2)? The DBA inhibited access through TNS, so I no longer unable to connect to database to update the data models. The error message I received was ORA-12154 TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified.


I tried to include the LDAPSetting in the app.net, but that didn't work. Is there any way I could still use the Entity Framework tools to update these data models?


ODP.NET托管驱动程序很可能找不到您的 sqlnet.ora ldap.ora 文件.

Most likely the ODP.NET Managed Driver does not find your sqlnet.ora and ldap.ora files.

您是否在 sqlnet.ora 文件中设置了 NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH =(LDAP,...)?

Did you set NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (LDAP, ...) in your sqlnet.ora file?

您还可以通过 TNS_ADMIN 环境变量或在machine.config中使用脚本来定义 sqlnet.ora ldap.ora 文件的位置与此类似:

You can define location of sqlnet.ora and ldap.ora files also by TNS_ADMIN environment variable or in machine.config with a script similar to this:

set TNS_ADMIN=C:\oracle\network\admin

set Oracle_x64=c:\oracle\product\12.2\Client_x64\odp.net
"%Oracle_x64%\managed\x64\OraProvCfg.exe" /action:config /product:odpm /frameworkversion:v4.0.30319 /providerpath:%Oracle_x64%\managed\common\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll /set:settings\TNS_ADMIN:%TNS_ADMIN%

set Oracle_x86=c:\oracle\product\12.2\Client_x86\odp.net
"%Oracle_x86%\managed\x86\OraProvCfg.exe" /action:config /product:odpm /frameworkversion:v4.0.30319 /providerpath:%Oracle_x86%\managed\common\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll /set:settings\TNS_ADMIN:%TNS_ADMIN%


If it does not help, here would be a workaround: ODP.NET Managed library does resolve alias, but 32-bit library does. However, on my machine LDAP resolution works fine with ODP.NET Managed Driver. Perhaps have also a look at Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver Configuration


07-23 13:08