我正在尝试在 cgi-bin 中设置一个 python 脚本,它只返回一个带有 content-type: image/png 的标题并返回图像.我试过打开图像并使用 print f.read()
I'm trying to set up a python script in cgi-bin that simply returns a header with content-type: image/png and returns the image. I've tried opening the image and returning it with print f.read()
but that isn't working.
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"
with open("/home/user/tmp/image.png", "r") as f:
print f.read()
这是在 ubuntu 服务器 10.04 上使用 apache.当我在 chrome 中加载页面时,我得到了损坏的图像图像,当我在 firefox 中加载页面时,我得到 The image http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.py" 无法显示,因为它包含错误.
This is using apache on ubuntu server 10.04. When I load the page in chrome I get the broken image image, and when I load the page in firefox I get The image http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.py" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
- 您可能需要以
格式打开文件(在基于 Windows 的环境中通常是这种情况. - 简单的打印可能不起作用(因为它添加了 '\n' 和其他东西),最好只是将它
. - 语句
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"
实际上打印了 3 个换行符(因为 print 会在末尾自动添加一个\n".这可能会破坏您的 PNG 文件.
- You may need to open the file as
(in windows based environments it's usually the case. - Simply printing may not work (as it adds '\n' and stuff), better just
it tosys.stdout
. - The statement
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"
actually prints 3 newlines (as print automatically adds one "\n" in the end. This may break your PNG file.
sys.stdout.write( "Content-type: image/png\r\n\r\n" + file(filename,"rb").read() )
- HTML 响应需要回车、换行