本文介绍了Qt Creator自动完成的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经在Windows上使用QtCreator几天了,我打算将其用作我的主要IDE来用C ++进行编码(我现在不会使用Qt的库).

I've been using QtCreator on Windows for a few days now, and I plan to use it as my main IDE to code in C++ (I won't use Qt's library for now).

尽管如此,我真的很想念Visual Studio的自动完成功能,尤其是在键入功能时.

Though, I really miss Visual studio's auto completion, especially when typing a function.

我尝试使用Clang代码模型,但似乎并不能解决我的问题" :

I've tried to use Clang Code Model, but it doesn't seem to solve my "issues", which are :

1.Qt的自动完成功能不如Visual Studio的自动完成功能.



4.通常,您必须按ctrl +空格键手动启用自动补全功能.


我已经使用Qt Creator和Visual Studio了很多.恕我直言,他们都是可比的.Ctrl + Space对我来说很好用...我几乎从来没有用鼠标悬停来触发有关功能的信息.我认为Visual Studio中有一个类似的快捷键.与Qt库,信号和插槽以及设计器的集成使Qt Creator很棒.与Visual Studio相比,我感觉Qt Creator并不慢.

I've used both Qt Creator and Visual Studio quite a bit. IMHO, they are both comparable. The Ctrl+Space works fine for me... I almost never hover with the mouse to trigger information about a function. I think there is a similar shortcut key in Visual Studio. The integration with the Qt Libraries and signals and slots and the designer, makes Qt Creator awesome. I haven't felt like Qt Creator was slow or fast compared to Visual Studio.

我喜欢Qt中的默认快捷键要好于VS的默认键,因此我最终重新映射了Visual Studio中与构建,运行,缩进和注释有关的大多数快捷键.

I like the default shortcut keys in Qt better than the VS defaults, so I ended up remapping most of the shortcut keys in Visual Studio having to do with build, run, indent, and comment.


All the options related to the auto completion can be found under:

Qt Creator > Preferences (mac) > Text Editor > Completion

Qt Creator > Tools > Options > Text Editor > Completion


好像它可能与文件夹中的 .pro.user 文件太多.

It looks like it might be tied to too many .pro.user files in the folder.


https://www.google.com/search?q = speed%20up%20qt%20creator%20auto%20complete



PS - The Qt Libraries, its documentation and the community around it are awesome and worth looking into.

这篇关于Qt Creator自动完成的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 02:20