


  • iOS(iPhone,iPad和iPod Touch)

  • Android

  • Blackberry

  • Windows Mobile

  • Windows Phone 7

  • Symbian

  • MeeGo(Maemo和Moblin合并)

  • webOS


  • 罗兹


  • RAMP

  • PhoneGap

  • MoSync

  • airplay

  • Bedrock

  • Qt

Qt是跨平台桌面应用程序开发的出色框架,并负责多个移动平台-Windows Mobile,Symbian,MeeGo。有用于iOS和Android(和webOS?)的社区端口。

MoSync看起来也相当不错,它支持很多平台,包括C ++的基于Java的平台。但是,它不是非常知名的AFAIK并有其自身的问题。



我应该咬紧牙关,为每个智能手机平台编写本机端口? Qt + iOS + Android + WP7 + Blackberry + webOS? 5-6版本的应用程序需要维护很多,但是智能手机上的跨平台开发解决方案现在看起来并不那么好。


更新根据普遍要求,它是Qt 5.2版本的,因为它现已正式集成并且可以投入生产。


希望通过Lighthouse查看具有Android支持的Qt 4.8。 / p>


灯塔为Qt的gui /核心操作提供了一个很小的抽象层,为移植框架提供了一种非常简单的方法。

There are a great deal of cross-platform mobile development frameworks around. The major platforms, all mutually incompatible, are:

  • iOS (iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch)
  • Android
  • Blackberry
  • Windows Mobile
  • Windows Phone 7
  • Symbian
  • MeeGo (merger of Maemo and Moblin)
  • webOS

There also exist many different mobile development frameworks that support various arrays of smartphone platforms, including but not limited to:

  • Rhodes
  • RAMP
  • Titanium
  • PhoneGap
  • MoSync
  • airplay
  • Bedrock
  • Qt

Qt is a great framework for cross platform desktop application development, and takes care of several mobile platforms - Windows Mobile, Symbian, MeeGo. There are community ports for iOS and Android (and webOS?). Blackberry and WP7 are on their own for now.

MoSync also looks quite good, supporting a great number of platforms, including Java-based ones, from C++. However it's not very well known AFAIK and has its own issues.

So my question is: is there ANY cross-platform mobile development framework actually worth using? Every one I've found has one disadvantage or the other that makes it unsuitable for use.

At least if Qt supported iOS and Android you'd need at most three versions of an app to support all platforms (Qt, Blackberry and WP7). The community ports that are around are not well supported at all though, and are far from complete. Plus, even if they are completed, would Nokia ever support them anyways or would that be seen as a bad business strategy?

Should I just bite the bullet and write native ports for each smartphone platform? Qt + iOS + Android + WP7 + Blackberry + webOS? 5-6 versions of an application is quite a lot to maintain, but the solutions for cross-platform development on smartphones don't look that great right now.


UPDATE By popular request, a link to the Qt 5.2 release's Android support page, as it's now officially integrated and "production-ready".

Well, Qt can support Android, via the freshly integrated internal Lighthouse project and the works of an individual developer, who will probably be busy integrating his code in the Qt codebase:

Expect to see Qt 4.8 with Android support through Lighthouse.

iOS has a similar drive behind it, but the projects are only starting:


Lighthouse provides a tiny abstraction layer for the gui/core operations of Qt, providing a very easy way of porting the framework.


05-27 12:44